Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Banapple Tree

Just a funny story from Taylor.

She walked into our room last week in the morning while getting ready for school and asked us what DNA was. So Kyle being Kyle gave Taylor the scientific name for DNA and she just stared at him. So, then we told her basically what it was and she had a bit of an understanding.

So she then says to us, "I want to make a new tree". We look at each other and smile, then we ask her what kind. She says "a banapple tree". In between our giggling and smiling, we tried to tell her how hard it would be, but it could be possible.

We are quite lucky to have a couple of scientist in the family, so we will be refering this one to Grandma Joyce!

It has been a while

Well, it has been a few months since my last post. I am finally feeling better and have been back to work for 3 weeks now. It is really nice to talk to adults again and get out of the house. I love my dog, but I was starting to talk to her like a human. She misses me being home all the time and took her frustration out on Kyle's swimming goggles a few weeks ago.

So I am almost 24 weeks now and the baby is very active. I am having trouble sleeping because she is kicking me all the time. Oh and by the way, we found out we are having a girl. Taylor is so excited to have a little sister. I know exactly what to do again, but I think Kyle is worried because he is so outnumbered by girls. He had a dream that we adopted 4 girls and we had 6 girls altogether. I told him we could try again, but it is still only 50/50, so I am not too sure he wants to take the seriously, with my luck it would be another girl and I am not too willing to go through this again.

Anyway, we wait with excitment for our new little bundle of joy to join us in a few months. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy peace & quiet, sleep and being lazy.