Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Maddy's First Tooth

Maddy finally got her first tooth at 8 months. Happy Days are here again.

Sunny Day

It was such a beautiful day that Mommy and Madeleine decided to go for a walk. Mommy knew that she needed to protect Madeleine's Cornea's from the bright sunshine so she put on the baby sunglasses. The walk was great and Madeleine didn't even try to pull off the sunglasses.

Poor Madeleine....Mommy put the glasses on too tight.

8 Months 2 Weeks, Up and Very Mobile

Crawling and Toys

The Girls

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Madeleine Walking All Over Grandpa

Skiing at Big White

Beautiful Day on the Slopes

Jane Post Wipe out. It was a beauty!!

Miss Taylor

Carrie & Kyle

Taylor & Maddy Hanging out

Maddy will eat Anything

Except this!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hanging with my Grandma & Grandpa's

Guess Who Pulled Herself up on the Couch?

7 months, 1 week old

Keeping Her "Tooth" Clean

It is Awesome Having an Older Sibling

Maddy is crawling

I have been slacking, I am really busy now. I knew it would happen, I just thought she might do it later than 7 months old. Yes, she is crawling....everywhere. The house is mostly baby safe and she has already had a couple of bruises. Life is busy now.