Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Pregnancy Update

Well I am 9 weeks pregnant and still feeling like death. I spent the day in the hospital on Friday getting re hydrated and trying to stop the vomiting. Life is pretty exciting these days. I know all the characters from "Days of our Lives", "The Nanny" and have watched more Home shows & Property shows than I can handle (I am trying to talk Kyle into moving to the Bahama's).

I have updated my movie watching with the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Harry Potter" and most of the "007" movies and have molded an imprint of my body on the couch. I am going to have to call on my Massage therapy neighbor soon for some work on my back.

In my house, life proceeds as usual. Kyle is working lots & does double duty of Mom & Dad. Taylor is busy as usual and stops by the couch for the occasional hug and kiss. The dog loves me being home and it is nice to have some company.

I am hoping to start feeling better in the next month. Keep your fingers crossed. I have not gained any weight yet but am starting to get a little belly. If I am going to be this sick with this pregnancy then at least I won't have much baby weight to shed afterwards.

But just so you all know, the doctor says the baby is just fine and as sick as I am, my body is giving enough to the baby so he/she will be healthy. I will keep you updated on my progress.


elizabeth said...

Dont' worry I'll be there soon and there will be a double indent on your couch soon! lol.