Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pregnancy Update Nov 21/07

Well I am almost out of my First trimester and still there is no sign that I am getting better. I still have bad days and good days. I got a Mid line put in my arm last week and now I have Phlebitis so they might need to take it out. The problem is my veins are getting weak and I am left with Bruises up and down my arms for weeks as they usually have to try more than once to start a line.

Taylor is doing great. She had her 12th surgery on her cheek last week and is making a nice recovery. It was nice to have her home with me for a week. We stayed in our pj's for days and watched lots of movies.

Kyle had a chance to go to the Philippines for work and has been there for almost a week. He is due home in a few days, and do I ever miss being waited on hand and foot. lol

So keep your fingers crossed for me to start feeling better. It would be nice to join the land of the living again. I really miss everybody.


elizabeth said...

And we miss you too!!!

Kirsten said...

Miss you, too! I hope you start feeling better soon...

elizabeth said...

Time for a new update!!