Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is Summer over already?

Where did the summer go? We had a very busy summer. Madeleine was baptized and is now 12 weeks old. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old and we only have a couple of nights here and there when she wakes up for a cuddle. Taylor has started grade 4 and is growing like a weed. Life in the Boon house is busy as always. We did a few trips this summer. We went to Williams Lake for a Family Reunion and it was great. Then we rented a tent trailer and did a week through the Rocky Mountains. We stayed at Mount Robson and Jasper and had beautiful weather the whole time. Then the girls and I stayed in Kelowna for a week and Taylor went to a great art camp. My Best Friend got engaged. To finish the summer off, we went down to Beachwood Resort in Birch Bay Wash and spent a weekend there with my parents.
Here a just a few of the pictures from the summer.

Me and my wonderful husband

Grandpa teaching Taylor how to chop wood.

We met an Elvis impersonator and he taught Taylor a few moves.

Madeleine smiling as always. She was a great traveler this summer.

Elizabeth & Kelly got engaged. The wedding will be next summer.
Congratulations you guys.

Madeleine trying on Aunty Liz's fabulous ring.

Madeleine found her thumb this summer.

Taylor is starting to look very grown up. Kyle is starting to get very worried.
Madeleine hanging out with Daddy and making one of her many faces.

Madeleine's Godparents.
Aunty Liz is doing her duties and making sure Maddy is well taken care of. Kelly is so good at supporting Liz and making sure she gets a few sips.

Taylor and Madeleine having breakfast together.

Grandpa Dennis hanging out with Madeleine. We had a great visit with them this summer.
Can't wait to go back.
Taylor and Chloe.

Daddy rescuing Taylor after she dropped her shoe on the other side of the cliff.

Mommy, Taylor and Madeleine at the Columbia Ice field.
It was so cold and very windy, but beautiful.

Columbia Ice fields behind Taylor.

Having our gourmet meal while camping with my parents.

Mom, Dad, Kyle and Taylor in Jasper.

Taylor hanging out with the local wildlife in Jasper.

Having lunch on the side of the road on route to Jasper. It is sure nice traveling with a motor home fully stocked with food.

Aunty Joy feeding Madeleine in Williams Lake at the Reunion.
Thanks so much for having us all. We had so much fun.

Daddy and Taylor in Jasper.

Mount Robson. I have never seen it on such a clear day.

Taylor and her cousin's riding in the paddle boat at Williams Lake.

Happy little Madeleine.


elizabeth said...

So glad I got to spend time with you guys this summer! Your girls are so much fun and so adorable.

Can't believe I'm getting married to the boy next door, LOL. Thanks to you! We are so grateful to you! Now... off to daydream about next July!

elizabeth said...

That pic of Maddy with the ring on just kills me! So funny.

PS - word verification was "gtcggsgs"... good think I haven't had any wine.

Love you guys!

elizabeth said...


Okay. Maybe a little wine.