Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a Country we live in!

When I was pregnant with Taylor, I was admitted to the hospital on a weekly basis. I was put in the hospital for a cost of hundreds per day just so they could re-hydrate me with Saline Fluids and then send me home. I would stay sometimes up to a week. I probably cost the Health care system $50,000 during my pregnancy. What a waste!!

I am pregnant again and am having the same condition once again. All I need to improve my health is I.V. fluids to re-hydrate me. If I can get an I.V. put in me, I can change the bags of fluid and monitor myself with the help of the Health Unit, therefor NOT costing the Health care system a ton of money. But, living in Canada, where the only real people to benefit from the health care system are drug addicts, people on welfare and people who are really good at scamming the system, I am once again left out of the loop for help as it is not protocol to have an I.V. unless you are receiving antibiotics. It is no wonder Canada is ranked 30Th in the world for Health care.

Instead, the government would rather pay me to stay home on sick leave, and have me admit myself to the hospital for a expensive overnight stay just to rehydrate my system. I have a real medical condition, one the "system" spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on. Why is it so complicated to get a little help so I can NOT cost the government money and get back to work.

Why we have a system that won't pay for any preventative action, but will pay the high costs of treating a illness, I will never understand.


elizabeth said...

That sucs babe! Love you! (They won't pay for my botox either...)