Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to everyone.
Kyle & Taylor decided to carve pumkins last night and Taylor thought it would be cool to do a vomiting pumkin...hmmm, I wonder where she got that idea from? We are off Trick or Treating tonight with all our friends.
Have a safe Halloween to all.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Pregnancy Update

Well I am 9 weeks pregnant and still feeling like death. I spent the day in the hospital on Friday getting re hydrated and trying to stop the vomiting. Life is pretty exciting these days. I know all the characters from "Days of our Lives", "The Nanny" and have watched more Home shows & Property shows than I can handle (I am trying to talk Kyle into moving to the Bahama's).

I have updated my movie watching with the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Harry Potter" and most of the "007" movies and have molded an imprint of my body on the couch. I am going to have to call on my Massage therapy neighbor soon for some work on my back.

In my house, life proceeds as usual. Kyle is working lots & does double duty of Mom & Dad. Taylor is busy as usual and stops by the couch for the occasional hug and kiss. The dog loves me being home and it is nice to have some company.

I am hoping to start feeling better in the next month. Keep your fingers crossed. I have not gained any weight yet but am starting to get a little belly. If I am going to be this sick with this pregnancy then at least I won't have much baby weight to shed afterwards.

But just so you all know, the doctor says the baby is just fine and as sick as I am, my body is giving enough to the baby so he/she will be healthy. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Taylor's Celebrity Lookalike


My Celebrity Lookalike


Liz & Carrie in Sunpeaks

Found these pictures of Liz & I this past summer at Sunpeaks Resort on the Super Bungee. Now we each did this twice. The first time we were both sober and could not for the life of us do a back flip. But...the second time, after 2 or 3 Ceasers, we had no problem doing the back flips. It was also alot less intimidating the second time....I have no idea why!

Taylor getting Comfy

Best seat in the house!

Taylor getting ready for a night on the town

Taylor had her Halloween Dance on Friday night. Mommy was a whiz with the make-up. Usually I dress up like a witch with Taylor and we dance the night away at her school dance, but I am not feeling too well these days. Next year we will do it together again. She did have a great time dancing with her dad.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a Country we live in!

When I was pregnant with Taylor, I was admitted to the hospital on a weekly basis. I was put in the hospital for a cost of hundreds per day just so they could re-hydrate me with Saline Fluids and then send me home. I would stay sometimes up to a week. I probably cost the Health care system $50,000 during my pregnancy. What a waste!!

I am pregnant again and am having the same condition once again. All I need to improve my health is I.V. fluids to re-hydrate me. If I can get an I.V. put in me, I can change the bags of fluid and monitor myself with the help of the Health Unit, therefor NOT costing the Health care system a ton of money. But, living in Canada, where the only real people to benefit from the health care system are drug addicts, people on welfare and people who are really good at scamming the system, I am once again left out of the loop for help as it is not protocol to have an I.V. unless you are receiving antibiotics. It is no wonder Canada is ranked 30Th in the world for Health care.

Instead, the government would rather pay me to stay home on sick leave, and have me admit myself to the hospital for a expensive overnight stay just to rehydrate my system. I have a real medical condition, one the "system" spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on. Why is it so complicated to get a little help so I can NOT cost the government money and get back to work.

Why we have a system that won't pay for any preventative action, but will pay the high costs of treating a illness, I will never understand.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Melissa's Race in Canmore

Every year my husbands family gets together in Banff Alberta to run Melissa's Race. It has become an annual event every September and we look forward to it every year.
This year Kyle, his dad & two sisters ran the 22km event. His mom ran the 10km and while all of them were giving it all they had to give, I was sleeping away in the hotel room waking up only long enough to meet them at the end of the race and go with my sister-in-law to get a hot stone massage (heaven). To be fair to myself, I did have a really bad cold and had just found out I was pregers so I couldn't take anything for a bit of relief).
So next year I plan to partake in the race with the whole family. We always have good weather and it is always a great weekend away.


We have had Chloe now for almost 9 months now and she is almost full grown. She has reached a weight of 60 lbs and is such a nice dog. She has really fit into our family well.

Taylor & her Cousin's

Taylor with her cousin's Ethan (20 months) and Hailey (5months).

Taylor at the Stables

Taylor has been riding horses for 7 months now and can't seem to get enough. This is one of the horses she rides during her lessons. She is cantering now and loves, loves, loves everything and anything about horses and riding them. It is great to see her doing something she loves so much.

Our Cruise Sept 2007

Kyle and I went on a Caribbean Cruise with our friends in September. They were married on the beach in Jamaica. It was a beautiful ( and hot) ceremony. It was a great vacation, we were able to go to the Bahama's, Grand Cayman, Jamaica and Cozumel all in the same week. We went Snorkeling 3 times, the water was so clear and warm.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

There has been a change

I have changed blog sites because the other site was too complicated for my little brain.

I've seen my friends using this one and it is way more user friendly.


I'm Pregnant

I know we should be waiting to tell people we are pregnant until I am 3 months along,but I have a condition called Hyperemesis gravidarum, and am not able to work or be very social, so I thought I would let everyone know why I won't be seen much in the next several months. I had the same condition in my pregnancy with Taylor so I have gone through this before.There is nothing anyone can do for me, I just need to wait it out and try to stay hydrated. I am also on some medications called Zofran & Diclectin for it which seem to help a bit. So keep us in your thoughts and when this baby comes out I will be having the biggest party to celebrate. Phone calls and e-mails will be welcome as I am getting tired of t.v. and reading already. I will keep you updated.